Kaiapoi isite Visitor Centre
1/143 Williams St, Kaiapoi
PO Box 80, Kaiapoi 7644
Free Event
Silverstream Reserve East Side located 161 South Eyre Road
Come and join us for an exciting day filled with amazing music from a great line up of local musicians!
This day of music is brought to you by Silverstream Reserve and Down by the River- Kaiapoi music, a smorgasbord of music from Irish, Rock, Pop, Country Folk and everything in between, something for every taste. The purpose is to celebrate the conservation work being done by the Silverstream volunteers and highlight and showcase this wonderful project. Bring your picnic lunch and something to sit on and enjoy this FREE event at Silverstream Reserve.
Anchor band The Meaniez will be joined by
Calian guitar/fiddle
Finished Business
The Relics
Gypsey Major
as well local individuals bringing this show together for the third year in a row.
Don’t miss out on a day of fantastic music and community fun!
There will be a sausage sizzle on the day – gold coin donation.
All proceeds support the Silverstream Reserve Volunteers.
Silverstream is located 161 South Eyre Road and there will be ample parking within the reserve with helpful volunteers ensuring we can all find, fit in and enjoy the event. This is a “Pack In and Pack Out” event so please take all rubbish away with you.
Note: This event will be on wet or fine- in the event of a wet day go to Down by the River-Kaiapoi music facebook page or Boulder Copper Sounds facebook page or text 027 404 7712 for our in door venue details .
Hosted by: Down by the River Kaiapoi Music, Visit Waimakariri, Lime Developments, Waimakariri District Council and The Lions.
Kaiapoi isite Visitor Centre
1/143 Williams St, Kaiapoi
PO Box 80, Kaiapoi 7644