Bush Walks

Ohoka Bush
Time/Distance: 20mins
Grade: Short Walk


Off White’s Road, behind the Ohoka Domain.


Meandering pathways through native bush, with open spaces making great picnic spots.

Mears Track (Loop)
Time/Distance: 2km loop
Grade: Short Walk


From the Main Street, turn right into Mill Road, left into Bush Road on bend and right into Crallans Drain Road (approx 3kms). There is a gravel parking area approx 1km from turnoff.


A rustic walkway, this stand of native bush is one of few near the Oxford township and is a QEII Covenant. The track is clearly defined with native plants identified, and incorporates seating and a lookout.

Matawai Park
Time/Distance: 1km
Grade: Short Walk


30 King Street, Rangiora


A native park of plant communities established from Canterbury wildplants; lowland podocarp, swamp beech forest, churn tussock, grassland and coastal. Explore the many tracks in the park that wind through bushy dells and open into secluded alcoves or bigger grassy spaces. Great for family walks and picnics.