Kaiapoi isite Visitor Centre
1/143 Williams St, Kaiapoi
PO Box 80, Kaiapoi 7644
Pines Kairaki Community Hall – Dunns Ave Pines Beach
Dixieland music played with passion, these fine gentlemen will get your toes Tappin and feet dancing – The River City Jazzmen
We are proud to be bringing New Zealand’s premier Dixieland Jazz Band to our hometown Kaiapoi. Here is what Harry Harrison says “The River City Jazzmen bring ‘joie de Vivre’ wherever they play. Authentic Dixieland music played with passion, these fine gentlemen will get your toes Tappin and feet dancing. Not to be missed” to book your seat text 027 404 7712 and pay on the night $25 see you there
Kaiapoi isite Visitor Centre
1/143 Williams St, Kaiapoi
PO Box 80, Kaiapoi 7644